MK-A-E-10 mailer newsletter & mailing system

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MK-A-E-10 mailer newsletter & mailing system



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MK-A-E-10 mailer newsletter & mailing system


No limits and no restrictions for SMTP connections.
Tested SMTP servers

ü  Gmail (

ü  Mailgun (

ü  GoDaddy (

ü  SendinBlue (

ü  Yahoo (

ü  Amazon (

ü  SparkPost (

ü  1and1 (


ü  Advanced statistics with geolocation for each campaign:

ü  google map showing who and where opened email

ü  Email importing

ü  manually insert/edit/delete

ü  Email sending

ü  Wordpress, Drupal, PhpBB, any database

ü  SMTP server connection

ü  Testing module for SMTP connection before usage

ü  Set up hourly limit for sending emails

ü  Email verification service included (since ver. 1.22):

ü  Easy import predefined 30 usefull email templates

ü  Easy to add/edit email template (custom email HTML header)

ü  No limits for templates with template thumbnails manager

More features:

ü  Change login/password to the system  

ü  Campaign can be stored for future sending

ü  Dashboard view with basic statistics

ü  Easy to install – just upload to server, login and set up database

ü  Export emails to CSV file with params configuration

ü  Possibility of deletion of bounced emails from POP3/IMAP server

ü  Responsive layout

ü  Subscribtion widget generator for web sites with single/double opt-in option

ü  Track emails

ü  Unlimited tags for recipients

ü  User friendly admin panel view

Shipping Cost
Shop Location Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia

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